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英國著名的先鋒戲劇大師蒂姆?克勞奇(Tim Crouch)的最新力作《等到深夜又如何》(What Happens to the Hope at the End of the Night),從不可思議、空無一物的劇場空間開始,看似平靜卻波濤洶涌的表演,如同被撕裂的情感與記憶紛紛浮現。當一切已成過去,當友誼已成往事,昔日的伙伴,如何重新面對彼此。在最深的夜里,兩位大師級藝術家為你帶來答案。

《等到深夜又如何》由長期合作的蒂姆?克勞奇和安迪?史密斯(Andy Smith)、卡爾?詹姆斯(Karl James)聯合創作,由皇庭劇院《作者》(The Author)和阿貝戲劇獎得主《一棵橡樹》(An Oak Tree)的團隊委約,為阿梅達劇院(the Almeida Theatre)創作。由蒂姆?克勞奇和安迪?史密斯演出,2013年7月9日于阿梅達劇院首演。


2014年10月28 - 30日,上海大劇院小劇場

2014年10月31日 - 11月1日,南京大學仙林校區黑匣子

2014年11月4 - 6日,北京首都劇場?實驗劇場 7:30pm

本劇為愛丁堡前沿劇展2014 英國單元的巡演戲劇之一,愛丁堡藝穗節是世界上最盛大的藝術節慶活動之一。由英國文化協會舉辦的“愛丁堡藝穗節優秀戲劇節目展演(Edinburgh Showcase)”,每兩年一度。英國文化協會精心挑選出一系列代表當今英國最出色的中小型戲劇作品,通過與全球各地的制作人及演出機構合作,讓世界各地觀眾有機會同步欣賞到愛丁堡藝穗節上的精彩作品。

今年9月,英國大使館/總領事館文化教育處攜手北京柒零柒恩劇團,為中國觀眾帶來2013年愛丁堡藝穗節優秀戲劇節目展演上四部最具代表性的作品,包括紙電影劇團的《奧德賽》(Odyssey)、壁虎劇團(Gecko)的《迷失》(Missing)以及有“蘇格蘭劇場之王”美譽的蒂姆?克勞奇的兩部作品《我,馬瓦利奧》(I, Malvolio)和《等到深夜又如何》。這一系列風格新穎、形式多樣的作品,將為中國觀眾帶來嶄新的戲劇視野和體驗。在愛丁堡前沿劇展英國單元舉行期間,還有英國劇團大師講座、工作坊、戲劇研討會等眾多與公眾交流的活動同步進行,巡演路線包括上海、北京、武漢、廣州、南京等城市,是一個為國內資深戲劇愛好者和鐵桿戲迷們度身定造的“戲劇節日”,絕對不容錯失。

What Happens to the Hope at the End of the Evening

Your friend is late. The meal is spoiled. A shadow has fallen. The story of this evening, one evening and any evening.The story of a reunion, a reiteration and an act of betrayal.A journey into the space between opposing beliefs; between action and inaction; between forms; between friends.

In Tim Crouch’s latest play, how do two old buddies reunite when winds blew away good memories and friendships?

In the darkest night, two master artists reveal the answer.

What Happens to the Hope at the end of the Evening is created by long-term collaborators Tim Crouch, Andy Smith and Karl James. The play is a new commission for the Almeida, from the team behind The Author (Royal Court Upstairs) and the Obie Award-winning, An Oak Tree. Opened at the Almeida Theatre on Tue 9 Jul 2013,


28 - 30 October 2014, Shanghai Grand Theatre

31 October -1 November 2014, Nanjing University Xianlin

4 - 6 November 2014, 7:30pm, 3 Performances in Beijing Capital Theatre, Experiment Theatre

Edinburgh Fringe Showcase 2014 UK Programme

Co-organised by British Council China and Beijing 707 N-Theatre, the Edinburgh Fringe Showcase 2014 will take place in China from September to November 2014.

The British Council's Edinburgh Showcase is a biennial showcase of contemporary UK performance, featuring some of the most outstanding productions made in the UK.

Selected from the Edinburgh Showcase 2013, four plays will tour to China in the autumn of 2014. These plays include Odyssey by the Paper Cinema; Missing by the Gecko ; and I, Malvolio. What Happens To the Hope at the End of the Night by the man dubbed as the king of Scottish Theatre, Tim Crouch, is the final play in the showcase.

These four plays will introduce the unique creativity and diverse vision of UK theatre productions to Chinese audiences. An exciting range of activities including master classes, workshops and lectures will be held alongside the festival in Shanghai, Beijing, Wuhan, Guangzhou, and Nanjing. It promises to be a real feast for theatre fans!

(來源:英國使館文化教育處,編輯 Helen)






