2012年9月20日 至 11月18日
Rogers Stirk Harbour + Partners – From the House to the City
20 September to 18 November 2012
Venue: Beijing Capital Museum
The British Council is proudly supporting the ‘Rogers Stirk Harbour + Partners – From the House to the City’ exhibition which will be held from 20 September to 18 November 2012 at the Capital Museum, Beijing. With numerous projects currently on sites across the world in locations including London, Barcelona, New York, Hong Kong, this high-profile exhibition will celebrate the impact of Rogers’ extraordinary international career.
Alongside the exhibition the British Council is organising a talk by Richard Rogers, and four family workshops. The family workshops are designed to introduce young children from ages 5 to 10 years, to architecture: ‘from the house to the city.’ They will provide an introduction to and overview of the process of design – from discussing ideas to creating buildings.
This is an official event of China-wide UK Now festival of British arts and creative industries.