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友誼勛章 Friendship Medal
President Xi Jinping awarded his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin the first-ever Friendship Medal of the People's Republic of China.
根據《中華人民共和國國家勛章和國家榮譽稱號法》,國家設立中華人民共和國“友誼勛章”(Friendship Medal),授予為我國社會主義現代化建設和促進中外交流合作、維護世界和平作出杰出貢獻的外國人(foreigners who have made outstanding contributions to China's socialist modernization drive, in promoting exchange and cooperation between China and the world, and in safeguarding world peace),為國家最高榮譽(the highest state honor)。
The introduction of the Friendship Medal is designed to convey the basic ideas of friendship, peace, fairness, and justice to the world by setting up models of friendship between China and foreign countries, and to promote the world's understanding of China.
中華人民共和國“友誼勛章”章體以金色、藍色為主色調,采用和平鴿、地球、握手、荷花(a peace dove, the Earth, a handshake, and a lotus)等元素,章鏈采用中國結、萬年青、牡丹花、玉璧、蘭草等元素(the chain features elements such as Chinese knots, evergreens, peonies, a jade disc and orchids),整體采用花絲鑲嵌(filigree and inlay)、掐絲琺瑯(cloisonne)等傳統工藝手工制作。
The design symbolizes the lasting friendship and solidarity between the Chinese people and the people of all other countries, as well as the hope for common prosperity and development around the world.
上海精神 the Shanghai Spirit
習近平說,當前,世界發展既充滿希望,也面臨挑戰,我們的未來無比光明,但前方的道路不會平坦。我們要進一步弘揚"上海精神(the Shanghai Spirit)",破解時代難題,化解風險挑戰(further carry forward the Shanghai Spirit to surmount difficulties, defuse risks and meet challenges)。
We should uphold innovative, coordinated, green, open and inclusive development, achieve coordinated social and economic progress of various countries and resolve issues caused by unbalanced development. We should bridge the gap in development and promote shared prosperity.
We should pursue common, comprehensive, cooperative and sustainable security. We should reject the Cold War mentality and confrontation between blocks and oppose the practices of seeking absolute security of oneself at the expense of the security of other countries, so as to achieve security of all.
We need to promote open and inclusive cooperation for win-win outcomes. We should reject self-centered, short-sighted and closed-door policies. We should uphold WTO rules and support the multilateral trading system so as to build an open world economy.
Equality, mutual learning, dialogue and inclusiveness between cultures should be championed, so that we overcome cultural misunderstanding, clash and supremacy through exchanges, mutual learning and coexistence.
We should adhere to extensive consultation, joint contribution and shared benefits in global governance, steadily reform and improve the global governance system, and push all countries to jointly build a community with a shared future for humanity.
"上海精神"是我們共同的財富,上海合作組織是我們共同的家園(the Shanghai Spirit is our shared asset, and the SCO is our shared home)。我們要繼續在"上海精神"指引下,同舟共濟,精誠合作,齊心協力構建上海合作組織命運共同體(to build an SCO community with a shared future),推動建設新型國際關系,攜手邁向持久和平、普遍安全、共同繁榮、開放包容、清潔美麗的世界(build an open, inclusive, clean and beautiful world that enjoys lasting peace, universal security, and common prosperity)。
SCO member states should build up strength of unity and mutual trust.
SCO member states should strengthen the foundation for shared peace and security.
SCO members need to build a powerful engine to achieve common development.
Member states of the SCO should forge closer ties through people-to-people and cultural exchanges.
SCO member states need to expand partnership networks of international cooperation.
特金會 Trump-Kim meeting
It is the first-ever meeting between a DPRK leader and a sitting US president.
They shook hands and held a 40-minute one-on-one meeting, before proceeding to an expanded meeting and a working lunch with their aides.
The US leader described the one-on-one session as "very, very good." During the face-to-face talks, Trump said he had an "excellent relationship" with Kim.
The DPRK leader said he and Trump came here after overcoming "all the obstacles" such as old prejudice and practices that had stood in their way forward.
Predicting a tremendous success of the summit with the DPRK leader, Trump said that it was "an honor" to meet face-to-face with Kim and that he would have "a terrific relationship" with the DPRK leader.
"Working together, we will get it taken care of," Trump said at the beginning of expanded discussions, forecasting that he and Kim will solve "a big problem and a big dilemma."
Kim said he will "cooperate with President Trump to resolve the challenges ahead" and to overcome the skepticism and speculations about their summit.
Trump and Kim signed a document on Tuesday afternoon, a document that Trump described as "very important" and "very comprehensive”.
Kim declares "world will see a major change" and he and Trump "decided to leave the past behind" as they sign document.
A joint statement signed by Trump and Kim. [Photo/Agencies]
1. The United States and the DPRK commit to establish new US-DPRK relations in accordance with the desire of the peoples of the two countries for peace and prosperity.
2. The United States and the DPRK will join their efforts to build a lasting and stable peace regime on the Korean Peninsula.
3. Reaffirming the April 27, 2018 Panmunjom Declaration, the DPRK commits to work towards complete denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula.
4. The United States and the DPRK commit to recovering POW/MIA remains, including the immediate repatriation of those already identified.
兩國相互對立甚至敵對半個多世紀,今天,兩國的最高領導人能夠坐在一起,進行平等對話,這本身就具有重大和積極的意義,就是在創造新的歷史(It is important and positive for the top leaders of the two countries to sit down and conduct equal talks , which is creating a new history)。中方對此當然歡迎和支持,因為這是中方一直期待和努力的目標。
我們希望朝美領導人排除干擾,建立互信,克服困難,就推進和實現半島無核化、推進并建立半島和平機制達成基本共識,邁出實質性步伐(result in substantive steps toward denuclearization and the establishment of a peace mechanism on the Korean Peninsula)。
王毅希望有關各方都能為此做出努力,強調中方也將繼續發揮建設性作用(China will continue to play a constructive role in this regard)。
共享護士 nurse sharing
With featured services like “nurse sharing”, it is said to benefit medical professionals who are often underpaid, and bypass non-urgent hospital visits for patients. This is especially the case among the aging population, those with chronic diseases and people in need of care after being discharged from the hospital.
“共享護士(nurse sharing)”是分享經濟(sharing economy)大潮中的一個新成員,操作方式與其他共享類服務app相似,也是線上預約(making appointment online),線下服務(offering service offline)。需要護理和服務的患者在平臺登記注冊并上傳用藥處方后根據需求下單,另一邊注冊并通過審核的護士搶單或者由系統派單。
“共享護士”提供的服務包括上門打針輸液(injection and IV)、靜脈采血(blood draw)、外科傷口換藥(wound dressing change)、灌腸(coloclysis)、吸痰導尿(aspiration of sputum and urethral catheterization)、鼻飼(nasal feeding)護理及指導等10多項。
低頭族專用道 special walkway for phubbers
The one-meter-wide, 100-meter-long track is painted in red, blue, and green, with pictures of mobile phones and the words "special walkway for phubbers" in Chinese.
Phubber(低頭族)這個詞來源于phubbing,phubbing是 phone和snubbing(冷落)的合成詞,意思就是因為有了手機就冷落了周邊的人和事(snubbing anyone and anything else in favor of a mobile phone)。
The walking path is a good way of reminding people to put their phones away and pay attention to their surroundings for their own safety and the safety of others.
燃油附加費 fuel surcharge
Chinese air carriers announced on Monday the resumption of a fuel surcharge on domestic routes starting June 5.
自5日起,國航(Air China)、東航、海航、上航、春秋航空(Spring Airlines)、深圳航空、西部航空(West Air)、奧凱航空等多家航空公司正式恢復征收國內航線的燃油附加費(fuel surcharge)。上述航空公司已在官網上發布了調整國內航線燃油附加費的通知。通知顯示,5日(出票日期/旅行日期)起,800公里(含)以下及800公里以上航線每人收取燃油附加費10元(charge an additional 10 yuan for each adult ticket on routes both shorter and longer than 800 km)。
一名航空公司內部人員(airline company insider)稱,復征燃油附加費的主要原因是國際油價高企(high international oil prices),以及航空公司成本增加(airlines' increasing costs)。2015年2月燃油附加費停止征收(the end of fuel surcharges)后,國家發改委和民航總局曾規定,將收取民航國內航線旅客運輸燃油附加依據的航空煤油基礎價格(base price of aviation kerosene for civil airlines),由當時每噸4140元提高到每噸5000元,即國內航空煤油綜合采購成本超過每噸5000元時,航空公司可收取燃油附加費(when the jet fuel price surpasses 5,000 yuan per ton, airlines could levy a new surcharge)。
空氣污染防控督查 air pollution control inspections
The country's top environmental watchdog will dispatch about 18,000 law enforcement officers to conduct air pollution control inspections in three key areas starting on Monday.
今年的督查主題為“藍天保衛戰(Blue Sky Protection Campaign)”,重點對京津冀(Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region)及周邊“2+26”城市、汾謂平原(Fenhe and Weihe plains)11城市,以及長三角地區(the Yangtze River Delta)等重點區域持續開展大氣污染防治強化督查。
Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region is still the area with the worst air quality in the country.
Hebei, Shanxi, Henan and Shandong provinces and Tianjin saw no more than 60 percent of days last year with fairly good air quality. And the situation in the Fenhe and Weihe river valleys is deteriorating, not improving.
此次強化督查將分三個階段,圍繞產業結構(industrial structure)、能源結構(energy structure)、運輸結構(transportation structure)和用地結構(land use structure)4項重點任務,檢查“散亂污”企業(poorly managed - and polluting - small enterprises)綜合整治情況、工業企業環境問題治理情況、清潔取暖(clean energy heating)及燃煤替代(coal substitution)情況等。
企業職工基本養老保險金中央調劑制度 central adjustment system for basic pension funds of enterprise employees
China will establish a central adjustment system for basic pension funds of enterprise employees to balance payment burdens of local governments, according to an official document.
《通知》明確,建立養老保險基金中央調劑制度(a central adjustment system for basic pension funds)的主要內容是,在現行企業職工基本養老保險省級統籌基礎上,建立養老保險中央調劑基金,對各省份養老保險基金進行適度調劑(a central adjustment fund will be set up to regulate pension funds in various provincial regions),確保基本養老金按時足額發放(help guarantee timely and complete payments to retirees)。
一是中央調劑基金由各省份養老保險基金上解的資金構成(the adjustment fund draws a certain portion from the provincial capital pool),按照各省份職工平均工資的90%和在職應參保人數作為計算上解額的基數,上解比例從3%起步,逐步提高。
二是中央調劑基金實行以收定支(distribution of the adjustment fund will be based on scale of the capital pool),當年籌集的資金按照人均定額撥付的辦法全部撥付地方。
三是中央調劑基金納入中央級社會保障基金財政專戶(the adjustment fund is managed by a special account of the central social security fund),實行收支兩條線管理,專款專用,不得用于平衡財政預算。
四是現行中央財政補助政策和補助方式不變(the central government will continue supporting local governments in pension distributions),省級政府要切實承擔確保基本養老金按時足額發放和彌補養老保險基金缺口的主體責任。
世界杯 World Cup
This year's Football World Cup has opened in spectacular fashion, with the host Russians routing Saudi Arabia 5-0, recording the biggest win by the host nation in the opening game of a World Cup since 1934.
在此前進行的7場比賽中俄羅斯無一獲勝(have not won in their past seven matches)。但在莫斯科盧日尼基體育場(Luzhniki Stadium)約7.8萬粉絲的觀戰下,俄羅斯對陣沙特阿拉伯易如反掌(Russia had little trouble against the Saudis)。
比賽過程中,數位俄羅斯戰將頗為勇猛,幫助祖國贏得出線小組賽的機會(help Russia's chances of qualifying from the group stage)。俄羅斯此次獲勝也使得世界杯(World Cup)史上的"揭幕戰東道主不敗(host nation not losing the opening match)"定律得以延續。
接下來,俄羅斯將迎戰薩拉赫領銜的埃及隊(Russia will play Egypt led by Mohamed Salah next)和實力更強的烏拉圭隊。雖然收獲開門紅(win the first game),但面對更加強大的對手,在14日晚的狂歡過后,俄羅斯還需重新開始。
個稅改革 reform of personal income tax
China's top legislature is revising the personal income tax code in a sweeping overhaul of the tax system. Specific personal income tax changes that aim to reduce taxpayer burdens and boost consumption are expected after the proposed changes receive regulatory approval.
起征點提高 raise the threshold
The draft amendment raises the threshold for personal income tax from 3,500 yuan to 5,000 yuan per month, or 60,000 yuan per year.
專項附加扣除 special expense deductions
The draft amendment adds special expense deductions for items like children's education, continuing education, treatment for serious diseases, as well as housing loan interest and rent.
稅率變化 changes in tax rates
If the revisions are adopted, those whose monthly salary ranges from 5,000 yuan to 20,000 yuan will see their tax cut by over 50 percent and those whose monthly salary ranges from 20,000 to 80,000 will see their tax cut by 10 to 50 percent.
綜合征稅 comprehensive income taxation
現行個人所得稅法采用“分類征稅”方式,即將應稅所得分為11類,實行不同征稅辦法。草案將11類中的4類,即工資薪金(salary)、勞務報酬(remuneration for personal service)、稿酬(remuneration)、特許權使用費(royalty)等4項勞動性所得納入綜合征稅范圍,適用統一的超額累進稅率。
反避稅條款 anti-tax avoidance clause
The draft amendment also adds an anti-tax avoidance clause, empowering tax authorities to adjust tax rates when individuals transfer property in violation of independent trading. Individuals will also be subject to the clause when they evade taxes through overseas tax havens or obtain improper tax benefits by organizing unlawful commercial activities.
聯合國人權理事會 United Nations Human Rights Council
The Trump administration withdrew from the United Nations Human Rights Council on Tuesday in protest of what it perceives as an entrenched bias against Israel and a willingness to allow notorious human rights abusers as members.
"For too long," Haley said, "the Human Rights Council has been a protector of human rights abusers, and a cesspool of political bias."
“I want to make it crystal clear that this step is not a retreat from our human rights commitments,” she said. “On the contrary. We take this step because our commitment does not allow us to remain a part of a hypocritical and self-serving organization that makes a mockery of human rights.”
A U.S. departure deprives Israel of its chief defender at a forum where Israel’s human rights record comes up for discussion at every meeting.
The decision came a day after the U.N. human rights chief slammed the administration’s policy of separating migrant parents from their children after they enter the United States at the Mexican border, calling it “unconscionable” and akin to child abuse.
US immigration officials say 2,342 children have been separated from 2,206 parents from 5 May to 9 June amid a "zero-tolerance" crackdown on illegal immigration brought in by US Attorney General Jeff Sessions.
UN Secretary-General António Guterres, in a statement released through his spokesman, responded by saying he would have "much preferred" the US to remain in the council.
中國農民豐收節 Chinese Farmers' Harvest Festival
Chinese Farmers' Harvest Festival, the first in China created specially for farmers, reflects the high priority the central government places on agriculture, rural areas and rural people, as well as its determination to see a thriving agricultural industry, beautiful countryside and well-off farmers.
為何將“中國農民豐收節”設立在秋分(autumn equinox)?
從節氣上看,春種秋收,春華秋實,秋分時節碩果累累,最能體現豐收(it's the best time to celebrate the harvest)。
從區域上看,我國地域遼闊、物產豐富,各地收獲的時節有所不同,但多數地方都在秋季(Although climates and crops differ in various parts of China, most crops mature in autumn),秋收作物是大頭。
從民俗上看,我們國家有十幾個少數民族有慶祝豐收的傳統節日(ethnic groups in China have their own festivals at harvest time),大多都在下半年。在國家層面設立一個各民族共同參與、共慶豐收的節日,有利于促進中華民族大家庭的和睦團結和發展(to enhance harmony and development of the Chinese nation)。
The festival should celebrate farmers, and they are encouraged to think of their own ways to celebrate harvest, Han said.
Some activities will be held nationwide, but most of the celebration will take place at a local level derived from local customs, he said, adding that local governments could host various activities for the festival, such as folk culture performances, food tasting, feasting and sightseeing.
新精神活性物質 new psychoactive substances
Thirty-four new types of new psychoactive substances, or NPS, were discovered in the past year, bringing the total number of such chemicals to 230.
新精神活性物質(new psychoactive substances,NPS),又稱第三代毒品,指為逃避執法打擊而對列管毒品進行化學結構修飾所得到的毒品類似物(a range of drugs that have been designed to mimic established illicit drugs),未被國際禁毒公約管制,但具有與管制毒品相似或更強的興奮、致幻或麻痹效果(induce a similar or stronger psychoactive effect)。此前我們說過的“笑氣(laughing gas)”就屬于新精神活性物質。
在毒品濫用(drug abuse)的類型方面,合成毒品(synthetic drugs)濫用仍居首位。
“金三角”毒品滲透加劇(drugs smuggled from the Golden Triangle region was on the rise),合成毒品入境增多;
“金新月”毒品產量大幅增長(drug production in the Golden Crescent region has also increased significantly),海洛因走私入境增多;
南美可卡因大宗過境中轉增勢迅猛(international drug traffickers are increasingly using the Chinese mainland as a transit hub for cocaine from South America)。
The Internet has become a platform for traffickers to collude and make transactions.
毫米波人體成像技術 millimeter wave imaging
Using a technology known as millimeter wave imaging, the security scanner can detect objects hidden under clothing, including nonmetallic objects, and can show their shape, size and position, the administration said.
毫米波人體成像技術(millimeter wave imaging)是目前全球安防領域的先進技術,已在美國、英國、荷蘭、澳大利亞、日本等國機場用于旅客人身安檢。這是安檢中常用的一種全身掃描(full body scanner)設備,具有對人體無害、穿透力強的特點,其發射功率不及手機電磁波輻射的千分之一(an emission strength less than 1-thousandth the electromagnetic radiation of a mobile phone),能準確識別人體攜帶物品,有效提高檢查的客觀性、準確性、針對性,降低安檢員的勞動強度,提升安檢效率。
民航局稱,未來,毫米波人體成像設備將逐步取代民用機場沿用26年的金屬探測門(walk-through metal detectors),旅客也將體驗到更加安全、高效的人身安檢服務。
陰陽合同 dual contract
Regulators will tighten scrutiny over contracts signed by television show production companies and the participating celebrities to ensure the stars' pay is reasonable, the notice said.
“陰陽合同”不是娛樂圈的專利,更不是中國人的專利。在中外房地產圈,“陰陽合同”很常見,其對應的英文是:dual contract。
我們來看看英文法律在線詞典對dual contract的釋義:
Dual contract refers to a contract between parties who have made two contracts for the same transaction. Sometimes one contract may be used to defraud another (such as a lender) as to the terms of the parties' actual agreement. This is an illegal or unethical practice of providing two different contracts for the same transaction. Most often, the contract for larger amount is used to apply for a loan and the real contract is for a lower amount.(www. uslegal.com)
很顯然,上述解釋針對的是地產圈的“陰陽合同”,“陽合同”成交數額高于“陰合同”,這樣可以用“陽合同”到銀行申請到更多貸款。而娛樂圈的“陰陽合同”恰好相反,“陽合同”數額較低,用于報稅(tax declaration),而“陰合同”中實際拿到手的片酬更高。除了dual contract以外,我們也可以用double contract來表示“陰陽合同”。
It reiterated a guideline released in September requiring all performers or celebrities of a production, which could be a movie, TV show, or an audiovisual production tailored for video-streaming sites to not be paid more than 40 percent of the production's total cost. In addition, the leading cast members' pay must not exceed 70 percent of the total payment to the cast.
Aside from the effort to fight unhealthy competition of inflating salaries to recruit celebrities, the authorities also will step up punishment against tax cheating and evasion.
Government funds and tax-free, nonprofit foundations are forbidden to invest in movies, TV shows or online productions which feature strong entertainment and commercial characteristics, the notice said.
(中國日報網英語點津 馬文英)
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