

China to optimize army size, structure: CPC decision

( Xinhua ) Updated: 2013-11-16 08:43:56

BEIJING - China will optimize the size and structure of the army, adjust and improve the proportion between various troops, and reduce non-combat institutions and personnel, according to a decision of the Communist Party of China (CPC) published Friday.

The decision, which is on major issues concerning comprehensively deepening reforms, was approved at the close of the Third Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee on Tuesday.

China to optimize army size, structure: CPC decision

CPC Third Plenary Session 
According to the decision, the CPC Central Committee called for innovation in military theory, strengthening military leadership, improving military strategy in the new era, and building a modern military power system with Chinese characteristics.

The decision also vowed to deepen reform and adjustment of military system and establishments, promote reform and adjustment of military policy system, and promote army-civilian integration.

Leadership system of the army will be reformed, and the function and institution settings of the Central Military Commission (CMC) will be optimized, said the decision, adding that joint operation command authority under the CMC, and theater joint operation command system, will be improved.

The decision also vowed to accelerate the building of new combat powers, and deepen the reform of military colleges. A scientific and standard army cadres system will be built, and non-military personnel system will be improved.

The decision said the systems of defence research and production, and procurement of weaponry, will be reformed, as quality privately-owned enterprises will be allowed to join defence industry.

China to optimize army size, structure: CPC decision

Helicopters take off during the five-day military exercise code-named "Vanguard-2010," across Henan and Shandong provinces, in this August 4, 2010 file photo.[Photo/Xinhua] 

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