MozART Group
Date: Sept 17-7:30 pm
Venue: Tsinghua University
Price: 180-680 yuan
The musicians of the MozART group are well educated instrumentalists who graduated from prestigious Academies of Music in Warsaw and ?ódz, but they decided to play classical music in a humorous way. The MozART group created a worldwide unique musical cabaret, where the music, not the words are the source of joy and laugh. Take a classical composition as canvas, analyze its structure and theme, surround it with musical associations, brilliant, outstanding ideas and while listening to the final product the listener is constantly surprised, amazed, laughing and moved to tears.
Contact: 010-6278-2334
Water Ball 2015-Our World is Thirsty
Date: Sept 12-6 pm
Venue: Sofitel Wanda Beijing
Price: 1,200 yuan
The Benelux Chamber of Commerce in China, will be hosting a Charity Ball in Support of Thirst, a water conservation and education NGO, at the Sofitel Wanda. Raising awareness about the Water Crisis and providing a networking platform for those who seek to engage in eco-friendly business, the ball will feature both a live and silent auction, as well as a lucky-draw, to fund education and awareness raising projects for Thirst in China and abroad. China has 20 percent of the world's population, but only 7 percent of its fresh water resources. As the population grows and pollution gets even worse, the problem China faces ever increases. Water is a precondition for life, and an essential resource for the industries and infrastructure that drive economic development. We are exploiting fresh water at an unsustainable rate. This occurs at all levels, from an individual to a national stage, and is an issue that we need to address now before it is too late.