
'Green commuting' well received by Shenzhen citizens

Updated: 2011-07-22 14:51


'Green commuting' well received by Shenzhen citizens

The population of Shenzhen has reacted enthusiastically to the promotion of "green commuting, saving resources" from the municipal council. Recently, government officials have been active leaders in green efforts, and employees and corporations have actively participated. Shenzhen citizens have volunteered enthusiastically, and the "green commuting" event is continuously rising in popularity. According to the Shenzhen Bureau of Transportation, more and more citizens are participating in this event.

62 organizations, associations, corporations and medias jointly invited drivers to participate in the "green ribbon action" proposal. Starting on July 25th, citizens, organizations and corporations that have stopped car usage can claim green ribbons from CPCC (China Petroleum Chemical Corporation) at 110 CPCC gas stations and 818 "U-stations".

On July 16th, 43 stations promoting "green commuting" were set up all over Shenzhen. Government officials promoted "green commuting" on the streets, and volunteered to stop car usage on the spot. Over 80,000 fliers were handed out in one day, and 2105 inquiries from citizens were answered.

Through these events and large-scale promotions from the media, citizens gained a better understanding of environmental protection. Wu Lili, student from Shenzhen University said: "If we make a habit of 'green commuting', the pollution in our city would be reduced to a minimum, and the improvement of our environment would become reality."

Spokesman of Shenzhen Bureau of Communications Transportation, deputy director-general Xu Wei said in an exclusive interview July 17, the "green commuting, saving resources" event received enthusiastic participation from citizens, and became one of the most talked-about topics in Shenzhen. In the first two days of the event, over 20,000 car owners stopped usage, and tens of thousands of citizens made inquiries concerning "green commuting" through telephone, the internet and text message. More and more citizens are participating in the event.

About Shenzhen

Shenzhen is located at the southern tip of the Chinese mainland on the eastern bank of the mouth of the Pearl River and neighbors Hong Kong.

The brainchild of Deng Xiaoping, the country's first special economic zone was established here by the Chinese Government in 1980. It has been a touchstone for China's reform and opening-up policy since then.