

No house, no marriage?

Updated: 2014-05-05 07:54 ( bbs.chinadaily.com.cn)

JFenix (US)

They are probably thinking more long term and are thinking about how things would work out having a child. We can talk about gender equality, but it's only women that get pregnant and give birth. If the female has to be a breadwinner for the family, how will that work with having a child? It's better for children to have a stable home and optimally, it's best to stay at home with them at least the first year. So regardless of gender equality, it's still better for a family to have a man that will be a good provider.

No house, no marriage?

No house, no marriage? No house, no marriage? No house, no marriage?
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The original post:http://bbs.chinadaily.com.cn/thread-958720-1-1.html
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