Justice needed for Tang Hui
Tang Hui, a woman in Yongzhou, Hunan province was sent to a labor camp after petitioning for her young daughter, a victim of rape. Tang received an apology from the police chief in the case but more must be done, said an article in the Beijing News (excerpts below).
Tang Hui was shunted aside by local officials, in the name of "maintaining stability" when she tried to seek justice.
Worse, instead of admitting their fault, officials said simply that they "did not pay enough attention to Tang Hui", and tried to reimburse her to avoid State compensation.
What the officials did is an insult to her and the law.
If her imprisonment was wrong, then the State owes her compensation and should punish those responsible for the wrong decision.
By trying to avoid compensation, the local officials are just trying to silence her with money, and avoid being punished for their deeds. That is also an insult to the law.
Hopefully, the local court can defend the interests of justice this time.