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The Building of an International First-class Think Tank Requires Courage and Dynamism


Li Wei, Development Research Center of the State Council

In our economic research work, we need to coordinate China’s domestic and international efforts in terms of economic working, and firmly establish and implement the five development ideas of achieving innovative, coordinated, green, open and shared development. We need to accomplish the five tasks of cutting excessive industrial capacity, destocking, de-leveraging, lowering corporate costs and improving weak links. We need to deepen the supply-side reform, and improve the efficiency and quality of supply system, and speed up the new development. We need to transform and upgrade traditional comparative advantages, and enhance sustained growth momentum. With the economic situation becoming more complicated and challenging, think tanks play an increasing key role in scientific decision-making. As a significant measure to promote the national government system and management modernization and improve the national soft power, the construction of new think tanks with Chinese characteristics made substantial progress in 2015. At the beginning of 2015, the State Council promulgated “Opinions on strengthening the construction of new think tanks with Chinese characteristics”, which has given a strong boost to the development of think tanks. On November 9, 2015,the 18th meeting of the Central Leading Group for Comprehensively Deepening Reforms deliberated and approved the “National advanced think tank construction pilot program”, which marked the further construction of China’s high-level think tanksin the new era. As one of the national high-level think tank pilot projects, the Development Research Center of the State Council (DRC) has,since its establishment 35 years ago, played animportant role in providing consulting advicesto CPC Central Committee and the State Council in the course of reform and opening up. In 2015, in accordance with the spirit of the central instructions and working principle approved by the State Council, DRC firmly grasped the fundamental direction of rendering service for central decision-making, actively explored the organizational form and management mode of new think tanks with Chinese characteristics, continuously enhanced the ability of comprehensive judgments and strategic planning, further improved the quality and level of policy research, and made positive progress in the decision-making consultation, policy interpretation, policy evaluation, international exchanges and cooperation, and national advanced think tank pilot construction projects. It is particularly noteworthy to mention that DRC has paid more attention to making more high-level international exchanges and cooperation programsthrough multi-channels and in various fields. Several international exchange and cooperation programs have made plentiful achievements. In 2016, DRC will actively carry out high-level think tank pilot projects, focus on “four-pronged comprehensive strategy”, and strengthen problem-oriented and application-oriented research, with a prospective, targeted and future-oriented policy research manner. DRC will not only offer policy options for CPC Central Committee and the State Council, but also take a lead in interpreting Chinese theories, and shore up the central scientific decision-making with our research work. We will make every effort to build DRC into a core and advanced think tank for so as to provide high-quality consulting advices, make scientific assessment and accurate deliberation of key policies, and effectively integrate various resources of think tanks in China. DRC will try to become one of the world’s first-class think tanks and an important carrier of national soft power. China Economic Times has made continuous efforts to enhance its integration with new media. At the same time, China Economic Timeshas focused on strengthening its own core competitiveness, normalizedin-depth investigationsthrough its own channels, and published its own investigation results with its own unique features. I hope China economic Timeswill play its role in scientific assessment and accurate interpretation of major policies,make best use of relevant resources of think tanks in China, render advice for central decision-making and work with us to build DRC into a first-level think tank in the world.