

Sotheby's fights for its brand in mainland China2012-10-30

Auction is a special type of commodity transaction in the human society. It first appeared in ancient Rome, and became an industry in Europe in the 17th and 18th century.

The iPad case and analyses from the perspective of China's Trademark Law2012-09-25

The year has begun by witnessing Apple and Proview (Shenzhen) vying for the iPad trademark.

Local risk management in transnational operation —learn from Apple's mistakes2012-09-25

With regard to the ongoing iPad trademark dispute between Proview Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. (Proview) and Apple, Inc. (Apple), many professors and lawyers criticized the legal work of Apple severely, believing that Apple ignored the IP law system in China and made a stupid mistake.

The key to IP due diligence for cross-border transactions2012-09-25

The legal battle over the iPad trademark between Apple Inc. (Apple) and Proview Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. (Proview (Shenzhen)) has been white-hot.

Professionals' views on the iPad Case2012-09-25

From the jurisprudence perspective, there exist two iPad trademarks. One of them was gained through registration while the other through practical use

"iPad" is in danger2012-09-25

After the iPad trademark dispute between Proview Technology Co., Ltd. (Proview) and Apple Inc. (Apple) was first reported, there have been constant waves of comments, analysis and opinions from journalists, lawyers and scholars.

The wounded apple2012-09-25

Brief review of ‘non-use’ trade mark cancellation proceedings in China2012-06-14

One of the most fundamental functions of a trade mark is to identify the source of goods and services, and to distinguish goods and services provided by the trade mark owner from those provided by others.

Wireless communication booster and ‘smart magnet’ win invention awards2012-06-13

Lovely Groundbreaking research in the area of life sciences and information technology was recognised at the Invention of the Year Awards at University College Cork on March 27th.

Invention brings concert sound into home2012-06-13

For as long as Daniel Chattin has been building stereos, he's thought that hi-fi sound was not high enough.

The J-Innovation

Steve Jobs died the month that the latest Nobel Prize winners were announced. The coincidence lends itself to speculation about inevitability.

Volunteer team bails out busy court

Government supports unique intellectual property fund

IP service providers showcase products

Experts call for standardization of IP services