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[ 2013-11-22 14:11] 來源:中國日報網     字號 [] [] []  
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XII—Social services


Reform is to be quickened to allow more benefits from the development to be more equally shared by all people.

42. 深化教育領域綜合改革。推進考試招生制度改革,學生考試多次選擇,從根本上解決一考定終身的弊端。擴大省級政府教育統籌權和學校辦學自主權。

42. Deepen educational reform. Continue reforms of the examination and enrollment system by evaluating students not only by their final exam scores but also their performance in school. Students should get more than one chance to take an exam that decides their enrollment. Provincial-level educational authorities and schools should enjoy greater autonomy.

43. 健全促進就業創業體制機制。促進以高校畢業生為重點的青年就業和農村轉移勞動力、城鎮困難人員、退役軍人就業。實行激勵高校畢業生自主創業政策,整合發展國家和省級高校畢業生就業創業基金。

43. Improve the supporting mechanism for employment and entrepreneurship. Employment-supporting policies should target college graduates, migrant workers, impoverished city dwellers and retired soldiers. Entrepreneurship of college students and making better use of government funds to help graduates work and start their own businesses should be promoted.

44. 形成合理有序的收入分配格局。健全工資決定和正常增長機制,完善企業工資集體協商制度。優化上市公司投資者回報機制,保護投資者尤其是中小投資者合法權益,多渠道增加居民財產性收入。完善慈善捐助減免稅制度,清理規范隱性收入。

44. Optimize the income distribution system. Improve collective bargaining between capital and labor to decide salaries and pay raises. Protect investors' legal rights and improve the investment return system for listed companies. Increase residents' income by diversifying investment channels. Improve tax deduction policies on charitable donations. Clean up gray income.

45. 建立更加公平可持續的社會保障制度。研究制定漸進式延遲退休年齡政策。實現基礎養老金全國統籌,推進機關事業單位養老保險制度改革。推進基金多元化投資運營。加快建立社會養老服務體系和發展老年服務產業。健全農村留守兒童、婦女、老年人關愛服務體系。

45. Establish a fairer and more sustainable social welfare system. Stipulate policies for gradually suspending the retirement age of employees. The central government will take over the social pooling component of pensions for urban and rural residents. Speed up reform of pension programs for employees in public institutions affiliated with government departments. Diversify investment vehicles for the national social security fund. Further develop the elderly services industry and improve protection mechanisms for left-behind children, women and seniors.

46. 深化醫藥衛生體制改革。啟動實施一方是獨生子女的夫婦可生育兩個孩子的政策,逐步調整完善生育政策。加快公立醫院改革。鼓勵社會辦醫,優先支持舉辦非營利性醫療機構。允許醫師多點執業,允許民辦醫療機構納入醫保定點范圍。

46. Deepen the reform of the medical and health sectors. Allow couples to have two children if one parent is a single child and improve the family planning policy. Speed the reform of public hospitals. Encourage private investment in the medical sector and prioritize supporting nonprofit hospitals run by private investors. Allow doctors to have a license to work in more than one hospital. Allow medical insurance to cover private hospitals.


XIII—Social governance


Efforts are to be made to promote harmony and vitality of society and to maintain State security.

47. 改進社會治理方式。運用法治思維和法治方式化解社會矛盾。健全基層綜合服務管理平臺,及時反映和協調人民群眾各方面各層次利益訴求。

47. Innovate social governance methods. Use legal frameworks and legal methods to reconcile social conflicts. The government should continue to optimize governance and service platforms at the grassroots level and respond to the interests of the people in a timely manner.

48. 激發社會組織活力。適合由社會組織提供的公共服務和解決的事項,交由社會組織承擔。重點培育和優先發展行業協會商會類、科技類、公益慈善類、城鄉社區服務類社會組織,成立時直接依法申請登記。

48. Stimulate the vitality of social organizations. Social organizations will take over public services they are suitable to provide. The country will prioritize the development of industry associations, trade unions and social organizations in fields of science and charity, as well as urban and rural community services. They are to directly apply and register according to the law when they are founded.

49. 創新有效預防和化解社會矛盾體制。健全重大決策社會穩定風險評估機制。改革行政復議體制,糾正違法或不當行政行為。改革信訪工作制度,實行網上受理信訪制度。

49. Reform the project of preventing and reconciling social conflicts. A plan will be established to evaluate risks to social stability in the making of major decisions. The country will further reform the administrative review system and correct illegal or inappropriate administrative actions. The petition system will be reformed and a system established to take public petitions online.


50. Improve the public security system. The country will build a strict supervisory system covering food and drug safety. A tracing-back system will be created for food production and quality labeling. The country will set up a State security committee in order to ensure the security of the nation.






(中國日報網英語點津 Helen)







