A local police department in southeast Missouri confirms the arrest of an HIV-positive man who published reports say admitted to having sex with hundreds of men without telling them his health status. The Dexter Police Department confirmed the arrest of David Lee Mangum, 37, of Dexter, whose case prompted Stoddard County Prosecuting Attorney Russell Oliver to publicly urge anyone who has had sex with the suspect or with an anonymous male they met on the Craigslist classified site to cease sexual activity and get tested immediately for the HIV virus. Police say Mangum may have exposed more than 300 sex partners to HIV. Magnum is scheduled to be arraigned at 9 a.m. Thursday morning at the Stoddard County (Mo.) Justice Center in Bloomfield, according to records on file with the Missouri Office of the State Courts Administrator. The agency says he was arrested Aug. 28 on a charge of recklessly infecting another with HIV when "knowingly infected," which is a felony. Bond has been set at $250,000. The charge carries a possible sentence of life in prison, according to The Daily Statesman. The case blew up after a man saying he was Mangum's former live-in partner approached the Dexter Police Department to file a complaint against Mangum, who he says infected him with HIV, the Statesman reports from an affidavit filed by Dexter police Det. Cory Mills of the Dexter department. The man, identified by the Los Angeles Times as D.B., said he met Mangum through an ad on Craigslist, the online classified site, and that Mangum assured him before they had sex that he did not have any sexually transmitted diseases, according to the affidavit. They lived together from November until June when D.B. said he learned Mangum was sleeping with other people and ended the relationship, according to the affidavit. Magnum told police he was diagnosed with HIV in Texas in 2003 and that he'd had more than 300 sexual partners since then, the Times reported. Fifty to 60 of those partners also lived in Stoddard County, the Times reported. |
據《今日美國》9月5日報道,美國密蘇里州警方證實,該州一名攜帶艾滋病毒的男子隱瞞自己的病史,和300多人發生了性關系。 現年37歲的戴維?曼格姆來自密蘇里州東南部的斯托達德縣。根據密蘇里州法院管理辦公室的記錄,曼格拉在8月28日被當地警方逮捕,并將于當地時間5日上午9時受到斯托達德縣司法中心的傳訊。 曼格拉被指控故意將人類免疫缺陷病毒(HIV)傳染給他人,這是重罪。據當地媒體報道,曼格拉可能會被判處終身監禁。此外他或許還將面臨25萬美元的罰款。 斯托達德縣檢察官拉塞爾?奧利弗公開呼吁曾經和曼格姆或一位在免費廣告網站Craigslist上結識的匿名男子發生過性關系的人停止性活動,并立即去檢查是否患上了HIV。 據《洛杉磯時報》報道,曼格姆告訴警方,他在2003年被診斷出患有HIV,自那以后他和300多人發生過性關系,其中五六十人也住在斯托達德縣。 曼格姆一直對性伴侶隱瞞艾滋病史,直到一名受害人報警,此事才得以曝光。這名受害人說,他是通過Craigslist網站上的廣告認識曼格姆的,曼格姆向他保證自己沒有性傳播疾病。他們從去年11月到今年6月一直在一起,直到該男子得知曼格姆同時與其他人保持性關系,這才結束了這段關系。 相關閱讀 (譯者 信蓮) |