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Russian millionaire throws paper planes made of money into crowd
File photo of Pavel Durov. Durov is the CEO of Vkontakte, or "In Contact," Russia's most popular social networking site and considered that country's equivalent to Facebook. |
Twenty-seven-year-old Russian millionaire Pavel Durov has earned himself plenty of new critics today after it was reported the mogul threw "paper planes" made of money from the windows of his St. Petersburg office into a growing crowd of pedestrians below. Durov is the CEO of Vkontakte, or "In Contact," Russia's most popular social networking site and considered that country's equivalent to Facebook. RT.com reports that a growing crowd amassed to collect the 5,000-ruble notes, which are worth about $160 each. However, while Durov reportedly appeared amused by the crowd, he stopped throwing the cash planes from his office window after some spectators appeared to turn violent. According to RT, Durov took to his Twitter account, writing, "We had to stop soon, though, as people turned into animals." Still, Durov apparently neglected to take personal responsibility for the response and even promised that "definitely, more such actions are to follow." At the end of the day, Durov, who is worth an estimated $260 million, apparently tossed down only about $2,000 in cash to the crowd. This isn't the first unusual public stunt by Durov. He recently published a political manifesto that included his ideas on how to improve Russia's economy. According to Business Insider, two of those ideas include abolishing Russia's national currency and allowing foreign interests to purchase state land. (Read by Nelly Min. Nelly Min is a journalist at the China Daily Website.) (Agencies) |
27歲的俄羅斯百萬富翁巴維爾?杜羅夫近日突然從其圣彼得堡的辦公室窗口向街上行人撒下用錢折成的“紙飛機”,引起越來越多的路人哄搶,招致非議。 杜羅夫是俄羅斯最受歡迎的社交網(wǎng)站 “接觸網(wǎng)”的創(chuàng)始人,該網(wǎng)站被稱為俄版Facebook。 據(jù)“今日俄羅斯”網(wǎng)站報道,杜羅夫向窗下扔去的是每張面值為五千盧布(合160美元)的紙幣,越來越多的路人趕來爭搶。當(dāng)時他躲在窗口后哈哈大笑,但在人們?yōu)榱藫屽X引發(fā)暴力行為后,他就不再向窗下扔錢了。 據(jù)該網(wǎng)站報道,他隨后在推特上寫道,“我們不得不很快停下來,因為人們都變成了動物。” 但他似乎并不想為人們的哄搶行為承擔(dān)個人責(zé)任,甚至保證“今后肯定會有更多類似行為”。 杜羅夫身家大概有2.6億美元,但看起來當(dāng)天他總共只向窗下扔了兩千美元現(xiàn)金。 這不是他第一次公開制造噱頭了。他剛剛公布了自己的政治宣言,其中談到了如何推進俄羅斯經(jīng)濟發(fā)展。根據(jù)《商業(yè)內(nèi)參》的報道,他在其中提到了兩條舉措,分別是廢除盧布和允許外資購買俄羅斯土地。 相關(guān)閱讀 (中國日報網(wǎng)英語點津 Julie 編輯:陳丹妮) |
Vocabulary: mogul: 大亨;顯要人物;有權(quán)勢的人 toss down: 隨意扔下 |
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