The film As Spring Shining, the true story of a peasant-turned-entrepreneur premieres in Beijing on Friday, starring Wang Weizhi and Li Xiaohong.
Well-known entrepreneur Tian Deying was once a peasant who later became chairman of a large company in Beizhen county of Jinzhou city, however his road to success was not easy. As a result of his past, he eagerly helps peasants around him to improve their lives. To date, he has helped more than 200 students, and donated most of his money to those in need.
Chinese actress Li Xiaohong plays Tian Deying's wife, and said, "I was deeply touched by Tian's story. He is quite rich now, but he has remained frugal in his every day life, even with his children."???
Li Xiaohong said the entire film was shot in the city of Jinzhou in Liaoning province, Northeast China. She revealed that Tian Deying occasionally visited the film's production location. When Tian eventually read the script, he remarked with embarrassment, "I am not that good."
The film was directed by Chen Yutian, a past winner of the Flying Goddess Award, a major Chinese TV drama accolade. The movie was co-produced by the publicity department and the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference of Jinzhou city.
The film will debut on screens throughout China later this summer in order to inspire others to engage in philanthropic efforts that help others.
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