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Favourable Policy
Updated: 2004-05-27 09:42

Favourable policy To foreign investment enterprise,

1. The departments concened will give priority to the supply of water, power and transportation and communication facilities and levy the cost by the standard state owned enterprises, and the supply of fuel, raw wiateral will priorily arranged.

2. The short-term working fund and other necessary crsdit funds can be priorily granted approved by bank to the foreign investment enterprise during their production and circulation process.

3. The foreign investment enterprise on: processing according to the material, assembling can obtain import certification on free charge for importing vehicles for production; The imported mechanical equipments on compensation trade are free of import tariff and

4. The export-oriented enterprise and advanced technology can be free of land cost for five gears to ten years since its establishment and relieve half cost affer expiration. The enterprise on development of agriculture and animal husbandry can be free of land cose for ten years to fifteen years; the enterprise on development of forestry can be free of land cost for twenty years to thirty years.

5. The export-oriented entereprise and advanced technology enterprise are free of pay the subsidies to Chinese staffmentbers by gobernment besides paying the labor insurance welfare cost and housing subsidy.

6. The foreign investment enterprise and advanced technology enterprise can draw foreign exchange through provincial foreign adjusting center. The foreign exchange can be used for repaying capital with interest and purchasing equipment and raw material, profit remmittance and income for foreign staffmembers. The foreign investment enterprise and domestic enterprises can make up each other’s deficiency from his own suplus.

7. The products of investment enterprise, as products as substitute imported products can receive foreign exchange when sold in China.

8. The foreign investment enterprise can stimulate the production plan, raise handle capital; purchase production material and sell products in the scope of contract. The enterprise can also set orgnization, staffmember establishment, job application and fire, wage standard, wage form and reward and subsidy.

9. The foreign investment enterprise is entirled to possess utilize, benefit and treat the assets. The profits and lawful income can be remitted to outside of China.

10. The foreign investment enterprise, are not required to pay any apportion and cost to any working units besides paying tax and cost stimulated in the laws and principles.To the apportion and cost not stimulated in the regulations and principles of law, the enterprise has right to refuse the payment.

11. The successful recommendor and sponsor( exempt member in charge of foreign investment introduction in state organization) can receive bonus for introducing foreign businessmen for investment. The cletailed standard refers to the stimulation of provincial peopless government.

12. The foreign businessmen or foreign investment enterprise have right to appeal to the people’s government and departments concerned and people’s court for the practice of violating their lawful rights and interests.

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