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China Daily Website

Handle 3D printing with care

Updated: 2012-12-07 08:10
By Zhao Gang ( China Daily)

The recent high-profile media coverage on 3D printing has put the technology under spotlight across the world. The technology was introduced to the market in the 1980s but its high cost made it barely affordable for most. But today it is becoming an increasingly mature technology, and the changed business model and industrial chain have made it affordable for many.

The rapid rise of 3D printing has brought about revolutionary changes in the market. It is widely used in industrial manufacturing, scientific research, aeronautics and astronautics, defense and military industries, biomedical engineering, construction, cultural and creative industries, education, heritage preservation, food processing and the auto industry. Besides, it has also been given full play in industrial design, animation, education and medical services.

As the first country to start research and development into 3D printing, the United States deserves its leading position in the technology. It also deserves two of the world's leading 3D printing companies, Stratasys and 3D Systems.

Stratasys has acquired Israeli company Objet, and 3D Systems has bought Z Corporation and Vidar Systems, all three of which are well-known 3D printing brands, consolidating their positions in the industry. The two American companies have an R&D budget of $10 million each and acquired technologies and patents from external sources either through contracted development or direct purchase to gain access to core technology and continue to be the global leaders in 3D printing.

Moreover, the US government pays close attention to 3D printing technology and regards it as one of the most important supporting technologies to revive its manufacturing. It has already spent $30 million to build a national-level R&D center for 3D printing additive manufacturing and plans to spend another $500 million for 3D printing.

In addition, US President Barack Obama has proposed an investment of $1 billion to establish an innovative nationwide network for manufacturing, comprising 15 manufacturing innovation institutions, to stimulate innovation and growth in manufacturing, boost the domestic economy and create more jobs.

In comparison, 3D printing started in China only recently. And though the sector has made certain achievements, the overall level of R&D in 3D printing and commercialization in the country is way below the US'. To promote the industrialization process of 3D printing in China, Asian Manufacturing Association joined hands with Huazhong University of Science and Technology in Wuhan, Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Tsinghua University and leading Chinese 3D printing companies in October to establish an industrial association for 3D printing technology.

China accounts for 21 percent of the world's total manufacturing value, surpassing the US' 19.4 percent. It is obvious that the US will try to regain its dominant position in manufacturing, with 3D printing being its best tool to do so. Some US magazines have even assumed that the future of manufacturing is in the US rather than China because of its technological advantage in 3D printing among other things.

Therefore, a new round of competition between China and the US is likely in the 3D printing-led technological revolution.

But since both countries face severe as well as casual challenges in industrial ethics, copyrights and crime, they have to deepen their cooperation to overcome the odds.

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