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China Daily Website

Q+A: Eric Vallat

Updated: 2012-08-02 14:04
( China Daily)

Q: How do you spend your weekend amid your busy schedule?

A: I practice golf and tennis and, of course, we spend time with friends. And, of course, I go shopping with my three daughters aged 17, 15 and 12, as I am a lucky man with four women at home.

What are your hobbies?

I love sports. I try to practice twice a week. I would also like to attend more art exhibitions and visit museums, especially when traveling worldwide. Lastly, I am passionate about history and read a lot of related books.

What is the saying that you like the most? Why?

You can work hard, but you have to have fun.

An African proverb: Alone you go quickly, together you go further.

What is the book you are reading now?

A book about (Edouard) Limonov, a Russian politician.

What is your idea of perfect happiness?

It's a combination of having a well-balanced life between a happy family that can give you love and work that allows you to fulfill yourself. Of course, I prefer it when the balance is more tilted toward the family than to the business. But this is not usually the reality.

What is your greatest fear?

When I was living in Japan with my family, we were really scared of earthquakes. You know, when you live there and you took your family there, you will feel guilty if there is an earthquake. And the earth moves several times a month there.

While now I am back in France, I am free from such worries, but I am also afraid of snakes.

What is the quality you most admire in a woman?

Those who have a talent for happiness combined with a good sense of humor.

What do you dislike most about your appearance?

I wouldn't mind being a bit taller.

What do you consider is your greatest achievement?

Well, my answer is very personal and very French. But honestly, I think I have a very nice family, very united, and actually my best achievement would be to be a grandfather with many grandchildren everywhere.

On what occasion do you lie?

I tell many small lies. I always exaggerate a little bit of things. But I would never lie when it causes any damage.

What's the best way to break the ice with a Chinese businessman you've met for the first time?

I wouldn't put the question this way. I think it's very easy. China for me is one of the few countries where people are very easy to get in touch with. I don't think there is ice to break.

Give three words to describe your impression of Chinese businessmen.

Quick. Pragmatic. Tough.

Name places in China that impressed you most and also places you have not visited but want to explore.

I would be very keen to go to Xi'an and see the soldiers (Terracotta Warriors).
