The beauty & wisdom of the countryside
A TV series endeavors to dispel stereotypes about rural living and pays tribute to village officials who aim to facilitate positive change, Cheng Yuezhu reports.
These days when people get into conflicts with neighbors or colleagues, they have many options aside from resolving their differences, such as moving houses or changing jobs, never having to see one another again, he says. This ease with which one can simply run away from problems means people never communicate with each other on a deeper level or get to know one another well.
Since the show was aired, practical changes have been made to Houshigou village. During filming, the crew helped renovate the village, including renovating some roads and buildings, and the TV show has turned the village into a tourist magnet.
"Houshigou village is now a well-known location for filming, and the lives of the locals have been transformed," Jing says. "For that we are all very grateful. The village in the show went through industrial upgrades via tourism and the hotel businesses, and the real Houshigou village has prospered. The parallel development of the two villages makes each and every participant of this show very proud."