Chinese philosophy of 'Life Comes First' deserves to be taken seriously around the world
The COVID-19 pandemic has made us realize more clearly than ever before that human beings live in a community with a shared future. Nobody in the world can escape this situation, regardless of one's nationality, faith, skin color, or language. Being defiant or arrogant won't save you from it.
In the same vein, COVID-19 is making us think more deeply about the relationship between man and nature, and between people and the world. Our ability to understand the world has increased greatly thanks to the advancement of science and technology. But our abilities are still limited compared to the limitless possibilities of the universe. If humankind is to survive and develop in the vast expanse of the universe, we must first and foremost admit our ignorance about the universe, as we know so little about it.
On the one hand, we haven't yet found solutions to many existing challenges human society has encountered throughout the ages; on the other hand, we haven't even realized that some problems are already here, and we can't afford to turn a blind eye to them. They may concern the development of humankind. They may exist within one country or nation, or among different countries and nations. They sometimes affect the connections between humans and nature or the universe.
To my understanding, the idea of building a community with a shared future for mankind is not just about the human race, but also the relationship between mankind and the universe.
Countries differ in how they've dealt with COVID-19, reflecting their different perceptions on the value of life. In China, life is put front and center.
When it comes to human rights, China prioritizes the right to live. Everyone is equal in enjoying their right to live, regardless of their gender, age, or background. Protecting the lives of young people is essential for our future. But we must also protect the lives of the elderly if we want the young to have a chance.
Thanks to its unique institutional advantages and respect for the right to survival of all people, China has effectively and swiftly managed to bring the disease under control and resume normal life and work. It is fair to say that, among all the different approaches various countries have taken and the values thus revealed, the Chinese philosophy of putting people first and adhering to the philosophy of "equality of life" and "life comes first" is worthy of respect from the whole world.
China has managed to effectively contain COVID-19 in a short time despite the fact that it is a developing country with a population of 1.4 billion and there is still a lot to be improved upon in its medical system and resources.
The article is extracted from the speech of Wang Qingxian, Party Chief of Qingdao, who addressed at the Expert Webinar of the 2nd Conference of the Global Health Forum of the Boao Forum for Asia on June 2.