Questions wanted for Vision China talk in Johannesburg
The third event of Vision China, a series of talks organized by China Daily, will be held in Johannesburg, South Africa on July 17.
Zhao Zhongxiu, vice president of the China Council for BRICS Think Tank Cooperation and professor and vice president at the University of International Business and Economics; Martyn Davies, managing director for emerging markets and Africa at Deloitte and Andrew Moody, senior correspondent for China Daily’s overseas editions will present their perspectives on BRICS and globalization to the audience.
China Daily invites you to write down your questions. We will pick one from the comments of our China Daily APP readers and present it to speakers at this event.
The following two questions are for your reference. You can choose one of them, or write down a question that most interests you.
第三期新時代大講堂將于7月17日在南非約翰內斯堡舉行。屆時, 金磚國家智庫合作中方理事會副理事長、對外經濟貿易大學副校長趙忠秀、南非經濟學家、德勤新興市場與非洲部常務董事馬丁.戴維斯及中國日報海外版資深外籍記者安德魯·穆迪將圍繞金磚合作與全球化這一主題發表演講。
1.How can BRICS deepen cooperation to meet challenges of global economic governance?
2.What role can China play to further promote BRICS trade and investment cooperation, and lead BRICS to participate in global governance?
3.A question of your choice. (Please scan the QR code below to write down your comment)